Top 5 Dental Emergencies You Should Know About

Top 5 Dental Emergencies You Should Know About

A big part of adulting is taking care of yourself when it’s needed. And that not only includes drinking enough water and eating all three meals a day. It also consists of taking care of any dental emergency that may come up.

Big or small, dental emergencies should be attended to right away. That’s why it is super important that you know how to identify one.

This is the first solution we can offer you: call your dentist in Clairemont to see if they can give you urgent dental care.

It’s sad, but there’s honestly no home remedy that can adequately treat a dental emergency.

Wouldn’t all of us be happier if a glass of water with a spoon of salt magically cured an infection?

That would be a lovely world to live in.

But back to earth. Try to see your dentist as soon as possible. Dr. Serena Kurt is always ready to help you, so don’t hesitate to call.

If you find yourself in the middle of the woods camping or on vacation (because emergencies always happen at the most inconvenient times), there are a few things recommended by the American Dental Association that you can do to respond to the sudden problem. This, of course, depends on what the emergency is.

How to Know If You Have a Dental Emergency

To put it short and simple, the main thing you should analyze is if the dental problem can wait at least a day or if you need to see someone right away. 

For example, if you’re non-stop bleeding or have unbearable pain, then yes, you may be having an emergency, and it’s time to act. Either call your San Diego dentist or visit the Emergency Room.

These are some other issues that constitute a dental emergency:

  • A lost tooth 
  • One or more loose teeth
  • An infection (swollen gums or face)
  • Bleeding

Every situation can be different, and some problems don’t need to be attended by a dentist right away. In fact, you could even wait a day or two if there’s no other choice. Some of these are:

  • A chipped tooth that doesn’t hurt.
  • A toothache, if the symptoms aren’t critical like high fever, swelling, or bumps on the gums.
  • A lost filling 
  • A lost crown

Although these are not as critical as other issues, you still have to take care of yourself and ensure the area is clean. Try to avoid eating things that could hurt you more, and always keep an eye on them.

We have listed below some other common dental emergencies you can encounter in your daily life and how you can respond to them. 

5 Dental Emergencies You Should Know About

1- Knocked-out Tooth 

In case you knock out a tooth, try to keep it moist at all times. If possible, try to put it back in its place. To do this, try not to touch it by the root, and be very careful as you must put it back in its socket in the correct position. If this is not possible, don’t get overwhelmed. Try to place it between your cheek and gums. You can also put it in milk, but remember that the most important thing is to visit the dentist at least within the next 30 minutes to save the tooth.

2- Cracked or Chipped Tooth 

A cracked tooth can occur for many reasons, and it can be scary to some degree. However, this type of problem is not always critical. The first thing to do is rinse your mouth with warm water to keep the area clean. You can also resort to using cold compresses in case there is any swelling. If it is a large crack and you are in severe pain, call your dentist as soon as possible.

3- Bitten Tongue or Lip

If you bite your tongue or lip, you should gently clean the area with water and apply firm but gentle pressure with sterile gauze or a clean cloth. This pressure will help the blood to clot and stop bleeding. If the bleeding does not stop with such pressure or continues after 15 minutes, visit the dentist.

4- Toothache

If you have a toothache, the first thing you should do is rinse your mouth gently with warm water to keep it clean. You can also carefully floss your teeth to get rid of any food that has been trapped between your teeth. Do not use aspirin for the pain. You can use acetaminophen or ibuprofen instead. You should also avoid applying heat to the area of pain.

5-Stuck Objects

In case you have any object or thing stuck between your teeth, you should try to remove it with dental floss. Do not use sharp or pointed instruments, such as needles.

If you want to avoid any future dental emergencies, you should mainly keep up with your oral hygiene and visit your dentist from now and then. 

You might think your teeth look okay, but there could be other stuff going on under the surface, and that’s what dentists are for.

An additional tip we can give you is to avoid chewing very hard things like ice or hard candy. These are solid enough to break a tooth.

Also, remember humans have evolved. Before, we used to cut and destroy everything with our teeth, but guess what? Scissors are around now, so always, ALWAYS use them instead of your teeth.

Call Serena Family & Cosmetic Dentistry if you need assistance with a dental emergency. Dr. Serena Kurt is always prepared to give patients urgent care. Contact your Clairemont dentist today!


  • Serena Kurt, DDS, is a highly accomplished dentist specializing in cosmetic and implant dentistry. With over 27 years of experience worldwide, Dr. Kurt has established herself as a leading expert in her field. Fluent in both English and Spanish, she has practiced dentistry in several countries, including the USA, Canada, Germany, China, England, France, South Korea, Turkey, and Costa Rica.

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