dental anxiety

Dental Anxiety: Fear to the Tooth Crowns Placement

Dental Anxiety? Sometimes, I think that the fear of dentists is in the past, but facts show me a different scene. There are still a lot of people who are afraid of dental appointments.

The overwhelming feeling of going to see a San Diego dentist can be a frequent cause of anxiety.

Patients usually imagine a drill-wielding woman or man in a white coat waiting to have fun, causing pain, or removing teeth.

But, honestly, it is a lot different than we imagine.

Of course, some dentists will try to calm your dental anxiety by telling you, ‘oh, you don’t have to worry,’ waiting, saying that the patient will feel better. However, the reality is that a patient who is anxious about dental treatment will not feel better by hearing those words. Just don’t.

If that patient needs a dental crown, there can be even more tension.

Let me put it in context: a small portion of a tooth will be removed to make enough space to place a crown. Since this is irreversible, a patient may have concerns and sometimes decide that he will pass on this solution.

However, sometimes you don’t have any more choices.

You will need something to fix a dental problem and be done on time to avoid future issues with that tooth. The control of your dental anxiety relaxation, comfort, and professionalism will depend on your chosen office.

If you require procedures such as a tooth crown, you won’t have an alternative unless you want to compromise the entire tooth. This option is only essential when any of your teeth suffer from decay that reaches a point where a dental filling won’t be enough to restore the damage, leaving your tooth weakened.

The Right Dental Office will calm your Dental Anxiety.

dentist in Clairemont creating new smiles

The right dental office will take care of you and your anxiety because a great dentist will know that going for a dental procedure like a dental crown can be quite a long process. 

You must communicate your fear of the crown being placed to your dentist. Especially if it is a dentist you have never visited before. Truth be told, the placement of a crown involves using a needle to apply a local anesthetic, but you won’t feel any pain after that.

However, if you are afraid of needles, your dentist must know how to handle the situation correctly. 

This can be easier said than done, but your dentist in Clairemont will explain how the treatment will be done and help you if you let her.

According to research, new dental technology advancements allow dentists to replace noisy drills with painless laser beams in many situations.

Plus, just like ours, dental offices in San Diego have a variety of new dental techniques to reduce pain during routine consultations.

The most frequent dental concerns of patients getting a tooth crown are:

  • Dental concerns:
    • They are sometimes embarrassed about showing the condition of their teeth.
    • They fear hearing that they will need an extraction.
    • A patient has a fear of injections
    • Dental Anxiety comes because of the fear of losing control
    • The most common is the fear of pain before the placement of a dental crown
    • Dentist’s dental tools (drill)
    • Panic to feeling pain
    • Patients must know that the placement of a tooth crown is not usually uncomfortable.

She will use water and high-speed dental tools to prepare a temporary dental crown. A temporary crown is not always an option because most dental offices can fabricate it at the same appointment.

However, patients are different from each other. This means a patient will use a temporary crown while the final crown is ready, which will be fabricated if needed.

If your crown is going to be made, you need to know that an anesthetic won’t usually be necessary to place and cement the tooth crown at the delivery visit.

However, if you need a root canal before a dental crown, there is no need to worry about either. To save your tooth, a dentist will do everything on his hands.

And if a root canal is a solution before a crown, you must listen to your dentist. Some patients skip dentists because they are afraid. But the idea of losing a tooth is even scarier.

Losing one or more teeth will complicate everything regarding your oral health. Let me tell you, dental implants aren’t cheap, and believe me, you don’t want to go through it, especially if you suffer from dental anxiety.

If you think, “it is okay, I will leave the gap there,” well, missing teeth is not something you can leave unattended.

Talk to your Dentist about your Dental Anxiety

There is nothing wrong with being honest with your dentist. Talk about your fear.

A different person would probably see it as a regular thing. However, there are differences between all patients.

Some of them feel awful about the idea of getting rid of that little portion of a tooth that they will never have back ever again.

They probably have a fear of the results.

A dental crown is a straightforward procedure, but not everyone sees it that way.

It is more complicated for some people because of the anxiety. So, communicating this to your dentist would be a good idea.

You can bring your Music during the Procedure

Another thing that can help you calm dental anxiety during a dental crown procedure is a portable music player.

Dentists in Clairemont can put your favorite music during your appointment on a TV.

But if you are more comfortable, you can bring your music device and headphones to calm you down faster.

Bring a Relative or a Close Friend to your Appointment

You can instantly feel better when someone you know is around you.

Tell your dentist you fear undergoing a tooth crown procedure and need someone you know.

When it’s your first time in a dental office, it’s hard to trust.

That is why you may want to take someone to keep you company and be present during your procedure.

This will calm your nerves. It is essential to communicate this information to your dentist so he can know your needs.

Remember that dentists don’t read minds, so it will be essential to be honest and say what you feel. Most dentists will be open to support you in overcoming your fear.

dental anxiety


  • Serena Kurt, DDS, is a highly accomplished dentist specializing in cosmetic and implant dentistry. With over 27 years of experience worldwide, Dr. Kurt has established herself as a leading expert in her field. Fluent in both English and Spanish, she has practiced dentistry in several countries, including the USA, Canada, Germany, China, England, France, South Korea, Turkey, and Costa Rica.

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