The Truth About Tooth Gems: Are They Safe or Dangerous?

The Truth About Tooth Gems: Are They Safe or Dangerous?

Have you heard about tooth gems? Tooth gems are small jewels, applied to the tooth with an adhesive. They are quite popular and just temporary.

Dentists don’t drill to place them, but permanent issues can appear if gems are not properly placed.

People seek to have snow-white, aligned, shiny teeth, but some are taking the “teeth fashion” to a whole new level.

Yes, we are talking about the controversial “tooth gems.” This method consists of adding tiny pieces of jewelry to your teeth.

For many people, tooth gems represent a way to show their originality, a magnet to attract glances when they walk down the street.

They believe that wearing jewels in their teeth lift their spirits because it encourages them to smile much more and feel better about themselves.

However, wearing tooth gems has its risk, but let’s learn how this fashion works before getting into that.


How Does Jewelry Adhere to Teeth? How to Apply Tooth Gems? 



Well, this jewelry mostly uses special adhesives to fix the decorative elements. Generally, these come in extremely small sizes to avoid space problems.

The users can choose between colors, materials, and shapes according to their preferences.

There are three types known as pastes, twinkles, and skaylsa, below we will talk in detail about each of one this three:



According to the attached to the teeth by a special glue, they are small artificial crystals; this works for short periods, ranging from a few weeks to 2 months. 

It is said that they are non-toxic and 100% safe to use whenever placed by a professional In the area.



The skaysa are small jewels processed with a specific technology. The material is degraded in different phases to make specific shapes; they do not differ much with the pastes in terms of appearance.

However, the big difference is that they last 2 or 3 years without risk of them coming off.



They are figures made of gold that can include some precious stones in the catalog

They usually go beyond the usual forms of geometric figures since their owners have no limits to design what they want.

It is the only type of dental jewelry that allows incorporating real and precious stones. 

The most used are diamonds, seawater, sapphires, and of course, pastes. 

The prices of these small pieces that require exotic materials are really high.

Now that we are familiar with the pastes and materials’ constitution, let’s review the principal formulas of ornamentation and their own risk. 


Among the Main Formulas for the Ornamentation of the Teeth are:


1. Piercing: 

A piercing is a type of ornament for which perforation is necessary. 

In oral piercings, they are usually carried out either on teeth, tongue, or on the frenulum, although there is also gum piercing, which requires drilling the gum.


  • The jewelry can potentially break from the tooth and be swallowed or aspirated. 
  • Tooth sensitivity. 
  • Allergic reaction.

2. Bling bling: 

it is the light version of piercing in the strict sense. There is no perforation in these cases, and the ornamental piece is directly glued on the tooth.

Until a few years ago, the bling-bling placement required a slight scraping of the tooth, but today the process is carried out in a very similar way than brackets or orthodontics. 

This prevents the enamel from spoiling so much and allows the process to be reversible, which is very important since all these fashions are usually a passing thing. 

Depending on the type of adhesive applied, it can last between six and twelve months, although hygiene and eating habits carried by the user will also be decisive in its duration.


  • Jeweled gems and caps may wear away the enamel, -Risk of tooth decay.
  • Infection.

3. Gold teeth: 

Until a few decades ago, gold was a fairly common material in tooth and implant repairs. 

Not surprisingly, this mineral is characterized by being malleable and ductile and provides interesting mechanical properties and does not cause allergies. 

Gold implants have regained prominence in recent years, and their biocompatibility has been demonstrated. 

The problem is that as it is such an expensive material, most of these implants and crowns do not reach 75% of purity.

They wear much faster than natural tooth enamel or ceramic materials such as porcelain zirconia.


  • Swelling lip and mouth pain. 
  • Gum swelling and irritation.
  • In the mouth (oral lichenoid reaction)

4. Grillz: 

They became fashionable among rap singers in the 1980s and now are back into being a trend.

Grills are decorative prostheses that cover the entirety of various dental pieces with precious metals that capture all the face’s attention. 

Outside the realm of celebrities who can pay exorbitant amounts for these removable covers.


  • Grills are generally made of non-precious metals that can cause allergic reactions.
  • Food and other debris may become trapped between the teeth and the grill allowing bacteria to collect and produce acids.
  • Irritation surrounding oral tissues.
  • Grillz can contribute to wear the enamel away on the opposing teeth.


Can I Brush my Teeth as Usual?


This is one of the most frequent questions when it comes to tooth gems.

You will have to go to a dentist for the tooth gems’ cleaning process, we recommend it.

We also advise not to brush with an electric toothbrush 24 hours after the dentist place the jewels.

Brush your teeth as usual, because tooth gems offer a new place for bacteria or food to hide. Proper dental care will ensure you have no problems.


The Best Smile Resides in Healthy Teeth 


healthy smile san diego


Dental jewelry will not always make your teeth’ shine’. From a health point of view, dental experts consider that a denture that can really boast of having its light is, above all, a healthy and natural denture.

Aesthetic issues are not a problem if they do not happen to affect a correct bite, communication, emotional balance, or social relationships.

So, it is not a bad thing to seek having an attractive smile, if that can make you feel secure enough to smile at please, to express yourself and really enjoy life.

However, you should not overlook that, sometimes what is most attractive do not always happen to be the most advantageous for your oral health.


The Risks of Wearing Gems in Our Teeth 


biting fingernails, nervous and very anxious.


The use of dental jewelry carries some risks. You must understand them to evaluate objectively if it really compensates what you’re looking for, to prioritize image over health.

  •  The presence of dental jewelry on the teeth supports the accumulation of food debris and dirt.
  • Between teeth and jewelry, there are barely noticeable spaces but are a perfect place for the proliferation of bacteria that causes bad breath and infections.
  • Any new element in the mouth requires an adaptation process; in the case of dental jewelry, the mouth’s response to this new adherence could be far from the desired.
  • A jewel in the mouth can cause muscle stress.
  • Neck pain or headaches can be caused due to problems with the jaw muscles and the temporomandibular joint.
  • When the pieces occupy the entire tooth, and a meticulous design has not been carried out, the most common thing is that the jewel passes from the tooth to the gum and ends up generating pressure on it. 

This can cause inflammation, redness, and accumulation of bacterial plaque in the area.

As you can see, neither of these circumstances is favorable for the health of your mouth. You are the one to decide if taking all that risk it is worth just for a passing trend.


Our Professional Recommendation 



At our office, we advise you not to put your teeth’ well-being at risk for a passing trend. 

Trends come and go, but your teeth’ health is something that should accompany you throughout your life. 

Before making decisions of this type, especially when it is a permanent change, spend a reasonable amount of time evaluating the pros and cons, and don’t forget to consult your dentist in Clairemont before taking the plunge. 

We can provide you with the best advice about what you should do without losing sight that your oral health is a priority factor.



  • Serena Kurt, DDS, is a highly accomplished dentist specializing in cosmetic and implant dentistry. With over 27 years of experience worldwide, Dr. Kurt has established herself as a leading expert in her field. Fluent in both English and Spanish, she has practiced dentistry in several countries, including the USA, Canada, Germany, China, England, France, South Korea, Turkey, and Costa Rica.

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