Between the dentist’s recommendation, we can find a flossing dental tool we should use daily to remove food and bacteria accumulating in between our teeth. Floss, which they make out of plastic or nylon, is a thin thread that we place between our teeth and slowly stroke to clean the gaps that toothbrushes usually miss....
Tag: Clairemont Dentist
Foods That Stain Your Teeth
Let’s get the facts straight, stains in your teeth does not dictate a verdict about your dental structure, however, it can lead to oral health issues like periodontal problems. The type of discoloration you will get with food is extrinsic, this means it will only affect the outer layer of the tooth called enamel that...
Dental Anxiety: Fear to the Tooth Crowns Placement
Dental Anxiety? Sometimes, I think that the fear of dentists is in the past, but facts show me a different scene. There are still a lot of people who are afraid of dental appointments. The overwhelming feeling of going to see a San Diego dentist can be a frequent cause of anxiety. Patients usually imagine a drill-wielding...
Is Activated Charcoal Good for my Dental Health?
Activated charcoal toothpaste is a resurrection of ancient medicine techniques. The charcoal toothpaste connects to everything, including stains, tartar, bacteria, and viruses. As it takes tartar off the teeth, your teeth will get whiter, which is a positive, of course, but it may also bind to medications that the body needs to absorb and even...