Category: Dental Care

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How to Use Dental Floss: Types, Colors, Materials, and Flavors

How to Use Dental Floss: Types, Colors, Materials, and Flavors

May 15, 2020July 26, 2023

Between the dentist’s recommendation, we can find a flossing dental tool we should use daily to remove food and bacteria accumulating in between our teeth. Floss, which they make out of plastic or nylon, is a thin thread that we place between our teeth and slowly stroke to clean the gaps that toothbrushes usually miss....

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How Often Should I Use Dental Floss?

How Often Should I Use Dental Floss?

May 11, 2020August 16, 2023

Sometimes we believe that dental floss and brush our teeth three times a day with a high-level toothpaste is more than enough. The truth is that although this is important, there are other healthy and necessary ways to take care of our dental hygiene and one of them is to floss your teeth. According to...

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abscess tooth

What Does An Abscess Tooth Looks Like

May 10, 2020August 16, 2023

An abscess is a sac of pus that grows around the root of an infected tooth. Swollen gums, severe tooth pain, or sharp pain when chewing could be signs of a tooth abscess. Probably you don’t know how dangerous an untreated tooth abscess could be. To a lot of people is hard to believe that...

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How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush?

How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush?

June 21, 2018July 26, 2023

Everyone knows that oral hygiene is essential to achieve better dental health. To prevent different types of dental problems and gum diseases we need to brush and floss our teeth at least twice a day. However, there is something that sometimes people forget: a toothbrush needs to be replaced every three months. The replacement is...

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Dental Anxiety:  Fear to the Tooth Crowns Placement

Dental Anxiety: Fear to the Tooth Crowns Placement

May 16, 2018July 26, 2023

Sometimes I think that fear of the dentists is in the past, but facts show me a different scene. There still are a lot of people afraid of dental appointments. The overwhelming feeling of going to see a San Diego dentist can be a frequent cause of anxiety. Patients usually imagine a drill-wielding woman or man in...

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