
The Look and Shape of Teeth can Say a Lot About You

The shape of teeth can say a lot about your personality. People seem to ignore it, but we can convey that smiling communicates happiness and kindness.

Our smiles are a reflection of the way we see the world and how we feel inside.

Our smiles and the way our teeth look are also an indicator of our personalities.

Morphopsychology is a science that specialists use to evaluate a person’s character by his physical look.

It is a discipline without scientific endorsement that studies people’s personality and behavior, capabilities, and attitudes while observing corporal particularities and generalities of the face.

Teeth are one of the characteristics you can see when you talk with other people. And if you know which shape means, you can be good at guessing how they are and what their habits are.

Fortunately, we have the tools to achieve this today, thanks to new technological advances. Nowadays, dentists have the best dental technology available to ensure a better smile for each patient.

But what does your smile say about you? Is it possible for someone to know about your personality just by seeing your teeth?

What does my Smile say About me?


Some studies or articles about this topic are online right now. In these articles, some personality details were disclosed.

This means that, according to these studies, how we laugh and the shape of our teeth can tell about us.

Can we guess what other people are thinking by just seeing their mouths? It is very possible, for example, when someone is stressed, they can grind their teeth.

The way someone smiles may indicate that he is lying. Some people know how to lie very well, and they have control over every movement in their bodies.

And it is difficult for other people to guess if they are lying. This situation happens a lot with politicians.

But other people don’t know how to do it, and others can realize what that person is feeling.

Anger, sadness, hunger, stress, and many other feelings can be revealed through our smiles.

If you think about it, we can suppose that our smile shows much of what we might think.

Square-shaped Teeth

smile square

Teeth can reveal a lot about ourselves. Square-shaped teeth are the first ones on our list today.

Teeth like this are pretty simple to recognize and are linked with a square personality, sense of control, orderliness, and objectivity.

People with teeth in rectangular shape are often really calm, easy, and controlling their emotions.

They are usually in control of themselves and are pretty great with their judgments. They are also good at decision-making because they are known for being objective. 

In addition to all these features, people with square-shaped teeth are polite, diplomatic, and have a robust entrepreneurial soul. 

Some flaws people with square-shaped teeth have are their objectivity and sense of control.

These characteristics can be too hardly installed sometimes, giving hard times to other people with different personalities. 

Oval-shaped Teeth 

Julia Roberts

Some specialists believe that people with oval-shaped teeth are art lovers. The defining attribute of this shape of teeth is their love for art.

People with oval-shaped teeth are artsy, talk artsy, and walk artsy because everything about them is artsy, and they show it.

Next time you see a person with teeth in an oval shape, you will probably see art from head to toe in their hair and accessories; they keep it all just like this.

Plus, they are sensitive, shy, and organized too. 

The only thing with these people is that they may bring the art person’s package as they can be slightly melancholic, like a poet or something. 

Rectangular-shaped Teeth

People with this shape of teeth are pragmatic and solution-oriented; at least, that is how they are known.

Rectangular-shaped teeth are usually pretty rational with anything and everything in their personal and professional lives.

They are known for identifying what to do and how to do it. 

They are often great planners and optimistic, full of energy characters. Rectangular-shaped teeth are dynamic, talkers, and sociable but are sharp with their conversations.

They can be irritable at times because of their intense arguments. But they are full of ideas as they are very imaginative.

However, they sometimes appear to lack emotions, being choleric. 

Triangular-shaped Teeth

shape of teeth

People with triangular-shaped teeth are often known for their dynamism. They are carefree in their private and professional lives. They know how to have fun, making them cheerful and energetic. 

If you want to describe a person with a shape of teeth like this, use Carpe Diem. These people know how to seize the moment as the soul and body of a party.

They like to live in the present, enjoying every second. 

The only thing is that their carefree attitude can reflect a lack of well-being. They can be too independent, and others can translate this as a careless personality.  

The Duchenne Smile

This theory indicates how to distinguish a fake smile from a genuine one. Because of how facial muscles move and contract, we can know if someone is smiling or just pretending.

This theory gets its name from the French physician Guillaume Duchenne, who did studies to determine when a person gave a genuine smile and when it was false.

It is something like non-verbal communication, something corporal. Nowadays, it can be used in psychology, courts, or other places of importance to know if someone is lying.

It is interesting to know because this way, we know when someone is not telling the truth, and it is because of a smile.

This happens when the orbicularis oculi muscles are activated.

These muscles raise the cheeks. So, the theory shows that they move involuntarily, which allows other people to identify fake smiles from the real ones.

So the next time you want to know if the waiter is sincere, look at the shape of his face.

Around his eyes to see if there are physical signs that he is faking.

You can also do this with your friends. If their eyes narrow while they smile, it can be an honest smile.

But if it is not, there are high odds that the joke you just told was not funny to them.

Giving a Great Smile: What Kind of Smile I Have?

huge smile

Some people hide their teeth, while others are happy about it. Some people are so pleased about their teeth that they give a warm and open smile.

The thing here is that teeth can reveal some aspects of ourselves by their shape and size. Needs harmony to represent real beauty and dentists know this very well.

For instance, the sexy gap between front teeth, like Madonna’s, is considered as sensual by the experts.

But it doesn’t mean you need a space between them for cosmetic reasons. Many people are trying to close those gaps by placing porcelain veneers.

Plus, the shape of your face is related to your teeth, and if you want to improve the appearance of your teeth, you need to take into account the shape of your face first.

Plus, besides the smile you have due to the shape of your teeth. There are types of smiles as well. For example:

Lovely Smile: You have that shy smile reserved for that special person only. It is something close to a secret handshake.

The One You Give to an Old Friend: This smile differs from the first one, and you have it to say “I missed you” to an old friend.

Smug One: That kind of smile you give when you know something the rest don’t. And people can tell you that something is due to this smile.

Faking my Smile: This is an easy one. You can tell when someone is faking a smile by seeing the corner of their lips and posture. You sometimes give this smile when the food tastes terrible, and you are trying to be polite.

How to Boost Your Self-esteem?

We know that our smile has to do with our feelings. When we were kids and our teeth were crooked, we felt terrible about our appearance.

Our parents looked for quick ways to get them straight. But even if we wear braces, there is always something we don’t like about our teeth.

It can be the color, size, or shape of our teeth. And often, even if we use braces, we don’t always get the desired results.

Many people don’t know it, but this is closely related to our self-esteem.

The appearance of our teeth has an impact on how we feel. How can you improve your self-esteem?

Some studies prove that when patients improve something in their teeth, they have more confidence to smile in public.

Teeth Whitening: Enhance Your Smile No Matter the Shape of Teeth

Teeth whitening is probably the most famous cosmetic dental procedure.

Over the years, our teeth can become stained due to many reasons.

They also turn yellow or brown. This is something that is unpleasant for many patients, so they look for alternatives to re-blaze their teeth and be able to smile with confidence again.

This procedure is done in different ways.

Some people do it in their homes with many homemade tricks or whitening at home sent it by their dentist.

However, most prefer whitening in a professional dental office where dentists can examine teeth.

Cosmetic teeth whitening is simple, but if you have other dental problems like cavities, you should first fix them before whitening.

Dental offices send material for patients to make dental impressions on their teeth.

These impressions are mailed to their dentists, who manufacture a mouthpiece.

With this dental piece that is sent again by mail, patients can perform the whitening with a special gel provided by their dentists.

Some people have sensitivity after teeth whitening. But this may happen when their enamel is weak due to some problem.

This is why you should consult your Clairemont dentist to verify that everything is okay before the procedure.

Some people do whitening with charcoal or baking soda with lemon. But again, you should also visit your dentist in Clairemont to examine your teeth before these remedies.


  • Serena Kurt, DDS, is a highly accomplished dentist specializing in cosmetic and implant dentistry. With over 27 years of experience worldwide, Dr. Kurt has established herself as a leading expert in her field. Fluent in both English and Spanish, she has practiced dentistry in several countries, including the USA, Canada, Germany, China, England, France, South Korea, Turkey, and Costa Rica.

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